The current price of Metawhale Gold (MWG) is $ 0.01089475.
Metawhale Gold (MWG) is a cryptocurrency that operates on top of the blockchain technology, like most digital currencies. The specifics of how MWG works, its purpose and its technology can be found on the official website for the cryptocurrency.
Metawhale Gold (MWG) ranks #1 in terms of market capitalization among existing cryptocurrencies. The market capitalization of MWG is $ 8.8K.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Metawale Gold (MWG) has increased by +0.00%.
The aggregate amount of MWG traded in the past 24 hours is equal to .
The currently circulating supply of Metawhale Gold (MWG) is 0.8M.
The total supply, that is the maximum number of MWG that can ever exist, is 1.0M.
Metawhale Gold (MWG) can be purchased on several digital asset exchanges, but it's crucial for potential buyers to only use the outlined on the official website of the cryptocurrency.
Securing your Metawhale Gold (MWG) is extremely important and should be taken seriously. It's advisable to use hardware wallets as they are generally considered the most secure. Always ensure you control the private keys to your wallets. Software wallets provided by reputable sources can also be used if hardware wallets are not a viable option.
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