As of the latest update, the price of the cryptocurrency Libera (LIB) is at $ 0.86481300.
Libera (LIB) is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized framework. This means it is not governed by any central authority, such as a financial institution or government. The details of how it works are encoded within its unique technology. The transactional details of the crypto, including its price, are determined by several factors, including its supply and demand in the global crypto market.
The details regarding the creators of Libera (LIB) and their motivations are not provided in the placeholders. However, the goal of every cryptocurrency, including Libera, is typically to provide a secure, transparent, and efficient means of transactions, independent of traditional banking systems.
While the specifics of what sets Libera apart from other cryptocurrencies are not provided in the placeholders, it is known that every cryptocurrency has its unique protocol, algorithm, and use case that differentiates it in the market.
Currently, there is a circulating supply of LIB in the market.
The most recent 24hr change in Libera's (LIB) value shows an increased of +0.00%.
Libera (LIB) can be bought and traded safely on the following exchanges: .
You can securely store your Libera (LIB) in a cryptocurrency wallet. Choose a wallet that supports Libera for optimal security and compatibility. Monitor your wallet regularly, and ensure to maintain strong security practices such as using secure passwords and 2-factor authentication.
The total supply of Libera (LIB) is currently 5.0M.
Libera (LIB) currently stands at #1 in terms of market capitalization with a market cap of $ .
The latest data shows a 24-hour trading volume for Libera (LIB) of . This reflects the volume of Libera traded across all markets in the given 24-hour period.
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