KokoSwap KOKO

Rank ?

$ 0.28868100

KokoSwap Price (KOKO)

KokoSwap to USD Price Chart

What Is the Current Price of KokoSwap (KOKO) Today?

The current price of KokoSwap (KOKO) is $ 0.28868100. This price is subject to fluctuations based on market conditions.

What Is KokoSwap (KOKO) and How Does It Work?

KokoSwap is a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum network that allows users to swap ERC20 tokens directly from their wallets. It operates under an automated liquidity protocol, meaning the platform doesn't hold any assets in custody. Traders use the network for benefits such as maintaining control of their funds and avoiding the need for order books.

Who Created KokoSwap and What Was Their Motivation?

While the exact individuals or team members behind KokoSwap's creation are not publicly addressed in the provided data, the project is part of the expanding trend toward decentralized finance (DeFi). The main motivation behind KokoSwap, like its DeFi counterparts, is to avoid reliance on intermediaries in financial transactions and to promote higher financial inclusivity and autonomy.

What Makes KokoSwap Different from Other Cryptocurrencies?

KokoSwap, as a decentralized exchange, differs from cryptocurrencies in that it's not merely a digital asset, but a platform for asset exchange. It sets itself apart with its automated liquidity model instead of the traditional order book - ensuring liquidity even for less popular tokens. Additionally, users retain control of their funds until transaction execution.

What Is the Market Capitalization of KokoSwap?

KokoSwap's market capitalization is currently $ , making it rank at #1 in the global cryptocurrency market.

How Many KokoSwap (KOKO) Tokens Are Currently in Circulation?

The circulating supply of KokoSwap tokens (KOKO) is and the total supply is 268.1M.

How Has KokoSwap's Price Changed Recently?

In the last 24 hours, KokoSwap's price has increased by +0.00%. It's important to note that cryptocurrency prices can be quite volatile.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy KokoSwap (KOKO) Safely?

KokoSwap (KOKO) can be safely purchased on the following exchanges: . Always ensure to follow necessary security measures while performing transactions.

How Can I Securely Store My KokoSwap?

KokoSwap, like any ERC20 token, can be securely stored in any wallet that supports Ethereum such as Metamask, Ledger and Trezor. Remember to keep your private keys secure and never share them with anyone.

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