The current price of Kauri (KAU) is $ 0.00865864.
Kauri (KAU) is a digital currency, or cryptocurrency, that is used as a medium of exchange. All transactions on the Kauri network are secured and verified using cryptographic techniques, just like many other cryptocurrencies. Kauri operates on a decentralized network and is not controlled by any central authority, providing users with the freedom to transact with anyone, anywhere.
The current circulating supply of Kauri (KAU) is .
Kauri (KAU) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours.
The total number of Kauris that will ever be produced is capped at 50.0M.
The current market cap of Kauri (KAU) is $ , making it the #1 by market capitalization.
The best place to buy Kauri (KAU) safely is on the where it is currently listed. Always ensure that you do your due diligence and use secure networks when making transactions.
The 24-hour trading volume of Kauri (KAU) is 86.8. This figure represents the total change of hands for Kauri within a single day.
Once you acquire your Kauri (KAU) tokens, they can be securely stored in any wallet that supports its blockchain protocol. Always remember to keep your private keys safe and secure to protect your Kauri tokens from unauthorized access.
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