The current price of I/O Coin (IOC) is $ 0.01076113, reflecting a +0.00% change in the last 24 hours.
I/O Coin (IOC) is a cryptocurrency that is designed with a wide range of financial capabilities. It provides secure storage and transfer of documents, encrypted messaging, and private payments. The I/O Coin blockchain is also equipped for decentralized applications (dapps) through an accessible API, thereby expanding its potential use cases beyond just being a digital currency. It offers a rapid block time of up to 15 seconds with a considerable block size of 4MB per block.
The details about the individual or team who created I/O Coin are not readily listed. What is stated though, is that it was developed by a technology-focused team who sought to create a cryptocurrency that offers a plethora of functionalities in one platform.
I/O Coin operates on a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism. This means that the chances of a coin holder to validate transactions and create new blocks directly depends on the number of coins they hold. I/O Coin's blockchain facilitates quick transaction times with its up to 15 second PoS blocks which are 4MB in size.
One of the unique offerings of I/O Coin is its 1MB AES256 encrypted storage and transfer module. This allows users to store and move important documents securely over the blockchain. Additionally, I/O Coin also enables private transactions and encrypted messaging making it an all-encompassing platform for secure communications and financial transactions.
I/O Coin's blockchain is also set up for dapps which can be integrated via its API. This opens the system to myriad applications and uses.
I/O Coin (IOC) features a set of unique characteristics that make it stand out from the crowd. A notable feature is its document storage and transfer capability, offering up to 1MB size of secure, encrypted storage. With this feature, users can store and move their vital documents securely over the I/O Coin blockchain.
Combined with its secure, encrypted messaging system and private payments, users can make fully private communications and transactions. These functionalities are supplemented with I/O Coin's dapp readiness, which enables developers to build various applications on its blockchain via an API.
Moreover, the I/O Coin blockchain boasts a fast transaction speed, thanks to its short block creation time and large block sizes, providing users with a seamless experience.
The circulating supply of I/O Coin (IOC) is coins. The total supply of the crypto would be available in the I/O Coin's official documentation.
I/O Coin (IOC) can be bought on the Bittrex, Bleutrade, Poloniex. For other places, always ensure they're reputable exchanges to avoid any possible scams.
As a general safety measure, always store your cryptocurrencies in secure wallets to minimize the risk of theft or loss due to hacks. You could use hardware wallets or reputable software wallets that allow you to maintain control of your private keys. Always ensure that access to your wallet is protected to avoid unauthorized access or loss of your coins.
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