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$ 0.01082336


HUPAYX to USD Price Chart

How much is HUPAYX (HPX) priced today?

HUPAYX (HPX) currently has a price of $ 0.01082336. This reflects how the market is valuing the coin right now, and it can change frequently due to market dynamics.

What is HUPAYX (HPX)?

HUPAYX, often represented by its token symbol HPX, is a cryptocurrency payment platform developed by Human Plus. The aim of HUPAYX is to be a competitive open cryptocurrency payment system that addresses the issues of utilizing blockchain technologies in everyday transactions.

Who is behind HUPAYX?

The HUPAYX platform has been introduced by Human Plus, a company focusing on integrating blockchain solutions into practical applications. The team's vision is to enable seamless crypto payments parallel to traditional methods.

How does HUPAYX work?

HUPAYX operates through a system where users can pay for goods and services using HX points. These points can be loaded onto the HUPAYX wallet using numerous payment options, including cash, credit card, or cryptocurrency. The distinctive aspect is the settlement fee, which is paid by the operator in HUP, HUPAYX's own native token. A portion of the HUP collected from payments is redistributed as a reward to users and as a transaction fee to the network's validators or nodes.

What Makes HUPAYX Unique?

HUPAYX's unique selling point is its multipurpose payment ecosystem that brings together blockchain's security and immutability with the versatility of traditional payment methods. This hybrid approach makes cryptocurrency payments more accessible and practical for daily use.

What is the role of HX points and HUP tokens in HUPAYX?

In the HUPAYX ecosystem, HX points act as the medium for users to conduct transactions. They represent a stable value that can be used to make purchases. On the other hand, HUP tokens are used primarily to facilitate the operational aspects of the platform, such as paying settlement fees and rewarding stakeholders.

How is the security of HUPAYX ensured?

Although specific technical security details are not provided here, typically, platforms like HUPAYX ensure security through decentralized networks and blockchain-based verification processes which involve nodes. As part of these networks, data is stored across multiple points, making tampering or fraud more difficult to achieve than with centralized databases.

How does HUPAYX incentivize its users and network validators?

The platform incentivizes users by providing them rewards in the form of HUP tokens when they pay the settlement fee. Similarly, network validators or nodes are compensated with fees for their role in maintaining the integrity and confirming transactions on the blockchain.

What is the circulating supply of HUPAYX (HPX)?

HUPAYX (HPX) has a current circulating supply of . This number represents how many HPX tokens are currently available for use and trading in the market.

What is the total supply of HUPAYX (HPX)?

The total supply of HUPAYX (HPX) is 10.0B. This is the maximum number of HPX that will ever exist, taking into account coins that have been mined or released but are not necessarily circulating at the moment.

Where can you buy HUPAYX (HPX)?

HUPAYX (HPX) can be purchased on the cryptocurrency exchanges listed under Probit. These exchanges provide a marketplace where you can trade HPX, typically requiring an account setup and going through necessary security verification processes.

How can you safely store your HUPAYX?

Keeping your HUPAYX safe typically involves storing it in a secure wallet, which could be a hardware wallet, a software wallet, or a wallet provided by the exchange where you bought your HPX. It's crucial to use strong, unique passwords and enable multiple layers of security, such as two-factor authentication, to safeguard your assets.

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