The current price of Frenchie (FREN) is $ 0.00000011.
Frenchie (FREN) is a digital cryptocurrency that operates on a sophisticated blockchain technology. It allows peer-to-peer transactions to take place on the internet without the need for a central authority. The nature of this blockchain technology ensures that transactions are secure, transparent, and swift.
The current circulating supply of Frenchie (FREN) is .
The price of Frenchie (FREN) has increased by +0.00% over the last 24 hours.
Frenchie (FREN) can be purchased safely on the following .
The market capitalization of Frenchie (FREN) is $ , making it the #1 ranked cryptocurrency in terms of market cap.
The 24-hour trading volume of Frenchie (FREN) is 2.9K.
Just like other cryptocurrencies, Frenchie (FREN) can be securely stored in a wide range of wallets. These wallets typically allow users to maintain control of their private keys, which are essentially the passwords to access the cryptocurrency. Users are advised to keep their private keys secure and to consider using hardware wallets, which offer additional security by keeping private keys offline.
The total supply of Frenchie (FREN) is . This total supply represents the maximum number of Frenchie that can ever exist.
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