Market Rank | #7664 |
Market Cap | $ 18.5K |
Volume 24h | $ 32.4 |
Circ. Supply | 9.0M |
Total Supply | 10.0M |
Max Supply | ? |
The current price of Fortress Loans (FTS) today is $ 0.00204779.
Fortress Loans (FTS) is a legitimate cryptocurrency that operates on blockchain technology, similar to other established cryptocurrencies. Users can execute transactions directly without the need for intermediaries, such as banks or payment gateways, using FTS tokens. This decentralization is a feature commonly associated with cryptocurrency operations, enabling peer-to-peer transactions that can be globally accessible.
The exact founder or group behind the creation of Fortress Loans is not provided. However, like many cryptocurrencies, the potential motivations behind its creation are likely tied to a desire for a decentralized financial system that offers speed, security, and decreased dependency on traditional banking structures.
While specific details about what distinguishes Fortress Loans from other cryptocurrencies aren't available in the placeholders, it presumably shares common characteristics with other cryptocurrencies such as decentralization, transparency, and security offered by blockchain technology.
Currently, there are 9.0M FTS tokens in circulation.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Fortress Loans (FTS) has increased by +0.00%.
The best place to buy Fortress Loans (FTS) safely is on any of the exchanges on which it is listed. The BitMart are currently offering FTS for purchase.
Secure storage of Fortress Loans, like any cryptocurrency, involves using a digital wallet that can either be online (web wallet), an application on your device (mobile wallet or desktop wallet), or a physical device (hardware wallet). It's crucial to keep your private keys private and to secure your wallet with strong passwords and, where available, two-factor authentication.
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