Rank ?

$ 0.00907342

ERC20 Price (ERC20)

ERC20 to USD Price Chart

What Is the Current Price of the ERC20 Token?

As of {}, the price of ERC20 stands at $ 0.00907342. Over the past 24 hours, its value has increased by +0.00%.

What is ERC20?

ERC20 is a unique kind of token in the digital currency space. Initially envisioned as an upgraded alternative form of cryptocurrency, ERC20 offers a range of advanced features that have evolved since its inception in 2017. ERC20 goes beyond a conventional cryptocurrency, extending its uses to smart contracts, rapid transactions, and collections among other functions. ERC20 uses decentralized blockchain and represents the economic layer in the peer-to-peer world. It is a versatile token with increasing utility for both financial and non-financial (NFT) world.

Who Created the ERC20 Token?

The creator of the ERC20 token is not specified. However, its arrival in the crypto world in 2017 was an innovation that signaled advancements in the uses for decentralized digital currencies. It was designed to adapt to the future needs and desires of its users.

How Does the ERC20 Token Work?

The ERC20 Token employs the principle of smart contracts on its platform. Basically, a smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement being specified in code. This essentially means that third parties are no longer needed for transactions - making it faster, simpler, and more secure.

What Makes ERC20 Unique?

The uniqueness of the ERC20 token lies in its versatility and adaptability. While it was initially designed as an upgraded alternative of a cryptocurrency, the benefits and possibilities extend far beyond. It is not only used for financial transactions but also in areas like smart contracts and collections. Besides, the token rapidly adjusts to trends and user needs.

What is the Market Cap and Circulating Supply of ERC20?

The current market cap of ERC20 is $ making it rank at #1 in the cryptocurrency market. On the other hand, the circulating supply of ERC20 tokens is , out of a total supply of 13.0B.

How Can You Purchase ERC20 Tokens?

You can purchase the ERC20 token across a wide range of EtherDelta. Bear in mind that cryptocurrency investments come with their own set of risks and it's advisable to thoroughly understand the process and implications before proceeding. Always ensure to use reputable exchanges and keep your digital assets stored securely.

What's Next for the ERC20 Token?

Given its inherent adaptability, the potential for expansion and advancement with the ERC20 token is vast. As it continues to adjust and evolve with market trends, its user base is expected to grow rapidly. Whether it’s in the financial or non-financial world, the ERC20 token is open-ended by design, hence increasing its viability for several use-cases for years to come.

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