Era Swap (ES) is valued at $ 0.00251222, showcasing a increased in value over the past 24 hours. The market capitalization is currently at $ 5.9M, and ES holds the #1882 position in the cryptocurrency market ranks. Trading volume over the last 24 hours has been 8.0, indicating the active participation of investors in the market.
Era Swap Token (ES) is a decentralized utility token, primarily based on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. This token is a crucial part of the Era Swap Ecosystem (ESE), a comprehensive network of utilities designed for day-to-day activities. Within this ecosystem, ES serves as a medium for exchanging services on a peer-to-peer basis, availing discounts, earning rewards, and various other uses.
The Era Swap Ecosystem is a collection of interlinked platforms, each serving a unique function, but all integrated through the ES token and shared technologies. Examples include:
TimeAlly DApp: A smart contract-driven token vesting platform that rewards community members for vesting their ES tokens and contributing to the ecosystem.
BetDeEx DApp: A decentralized prediction platform where users can place predictions on various outcomes and win rewards.
Era Swap Academy: An eLearning platform offering affordable courses on Blockchain technology and other cutting-edge fields.
Time Swappers: A peer-to-peer social marketplace rewarding users for both sharing content and exchanging services.
These, among other platforms within the ecosystem, are aimed at providing a decentralized, secure, and user-friendly environment for various everyday transactions and interactions.
Era Swap stands out due to its extensive ecosystem that tackles different areas of daily life. It addresses some traditional online marketplace flaws such as high transaction fees, lack of control over personal data, and no reward-sharing with users. By enabling direct peer-to-peer interactions, users have more control and reap the benefits of their contributions through the ES token.
The Era Swap whitepaper and official materials do not explicitly name the individual founders of Era Swap. The project is developed and maintained by a team of over 30 software developers, along with experts in various domains, all working towards creating a robust and sustainable ecosystem for the community.
Era Swap offers a means to conduct transactions in a decentralized manner, cutting out middlemen and reducing fees. The ecosystem rewards users for participation and contribution, provides affordable education on emerging technologies, and offers a social platform that integrates market exchange with community interaction.
As Era Swap Token (ES) is an ERC20 token, it inherits the security models of the Ethereum blockchain. This means that the network relies on the vast decentralized network of Ethereum, with transactions verified and protected through Ethereum's proof-of-work consensus algorithm until its transition to proof-of-stake.
The circulating supply of Era Swap (ES) is 2.4B, and the token has a total supply of 4.1B. It's important to note that the circulating supply may change over time as more tokens are released into the market or used within the ecosystem.
Era Swap provides a detailed roadmap in their official whitepaper highlighting the release and evolution of the various platforms within the ecosystem. The team focuses on the continuous development of user-friendly solutions and further decentralization of the service industry.
Era Swap (ES) can be purchased on the Probit. Interested investors can create an account on these exchanges and trade other cryptocurrencies for ES tokens or buy them directly, depending on the exchange's available options.
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