The current price of Deez Nuts, tracked under the cryptocurrency symbol DEEZNUTS, is $ 0.00000007.
Deez Nuts is a digital cryptocurrency operating on blockchain technology. This currency supports secure, peer-to-peer transactions that are verified through a distributed consensus system. Just like other cryptocurrencies, DEEZNUTS has no physical presence and can be stored in a digital wallet.
The circulating supply of Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) is currently . The total supply of DEEZNUTS is set at 1000.0B.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) has increased by +0.00%. This captures the volatility inherent in cryptocurrency markets, with prices susceptible to rapid fluctuations.
Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) can be safely and securely purchased on any of the . These crypto exchanges provide users with an interface to buy, sell, and trade DEEZNUTS alongside a wide range of other cryptocurrencies.
Your Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) can be securely stored in a digital wallet. These wallets can be hardware-based for enhanced security or can be digital wallets installed on your smartphone or computer. A digital wallet provides you with a private key, which is essential for accessing your DEEZNUTS and conducting transactions. Hence it’s crucial to store this private key securely and privately.
The current market cap of Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) is $ , making it the #1 ranked cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization.
The trading volume of Deez Nuts (DEEZNUTS) in the last 24 hours is 1.7. This represents the amount of DEEZNUTS that have been traded within the stated period. High volume levels can indicate a high interest in the cryptocurrency.
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