The current price of CORD.Finance (CORD) is $ 0.74014200.
CORD.Finance (CORD) is a type of cryptocurrency that operates on the blockchain. Like other cryptocurrencies, it facilitates peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a centralized authority. Its functionality, usage, and benefits primarily are dictated by the rules set by developers and the community that uses it.
The current circulating supply of CORD.Finance (CORD) is .
The market cap of CORD.Finance is currently $ , making it the #1 most valuable cryptocurrency by market capitalization.
In the last 24 hours, CORD.Finance's price has increased by +0.00%.
The trading volume of CORD.Finance in the last 24 hours is 96.1.
CORD.Finance (CORD) can be safely and securely purchased on any of the following exchanges: .
CORD.Finance (CORD) can be securely stored in a digital wallet. These wallets can either be online or offline. Offline wallets, also known as cold wallets, ensure the highest level of security as they are not connected to the internet and are thus immune to online hacking attempts. Meanwhile, online wallets, also known as hot wallets, offer higher convenience as they can be easily accessed through internet-connected devices. Always choose an encrypted and password-protected wallet for storing your CORD.Finance.
Note: Remember to always do your research before choosing a wallet or an exchange.
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