The current price of Cargo Gems (GEM) is $ 0.00665687.
Cargo Gems (GEM) is a cryptocurrency, similar to other digital currencies, it operates on cryptographic technology. This technology enables the creation and control of the digital currency and oversees the secure execution of transactions.
As of now, there are 4.9M Cargo Gems in circulation.
Presently, the market capitalization of Cargo Gems (GEM) holds the #1 rank with a total market cap of $ 32.3K.
Over the last 24 hours, the price of Cargo Gems (GEM) has increased by +0.00%.
Cargo Gems (GEM) can be safely purchased on several different platforms. The most current and safe exchanges to acquire GEM are .
The total supply of Cargo Gems (GEM) is capped at 30.0M.
The trading volume of Cargo Gems (GEM) over the past 24 hours is approximately .
Cargo Gems (GEM) can be securely stored in any compatible cryptocurrency wallet that supports its blockchain technology. For enhanced security, hardware wallets that store your private keys offline are often recommended.
GEM operates on its own specific blockchain network. Its unique features and uses separate it from other cryptocurrencies on the market. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it maintains its value through market demand and scarcity.
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