Market Rank | #4463 |
Market Cap | $ 0.2M |
Volume 24h | $ 159.8 |
Circ. Supply | 32.6M |
Total Supply | 41.0M |
Max Supply | ? |
The current price of Carbon (CRBN) is $ 0.00639484.
Carbon (CRBN) is a cryptocurrency that operates on a blockchain, similar to other digital currencies. The specifics of how it works and its unique features can vary, but generally, it operates under the principles of cryptography, which secures transactions and controls the creation of new units.
The creator(s) of Carbon and their specific motivations are not immediately clear from the available data. However, generally, the creators of cryptocurrencies aim to provide a decentralized digital currency system, free from the control of any central authority and providing enhanced privacy and security features.
As data regarding the specifics of the Carbon cryptocurrency are unavailable from the placeholders, we cannot authoritatively state its unique properties. However, most cryptocurrencies including Carbon, are designed with unique attributes to solve specific problems or offer new possibilities in the world of digital currency.
The integration of new technologies into the Carbon (CRBN) network isn't outlined in the provided data. However, in general, cryptocurrency networks frequently undergo updates and improvements in the form of 'forks' – alterations to the original code to add new features or fix problems.
Currently, the number of Carbon (CRBN) tokens in circulation is 32.6M.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Carbon (CRBN) has decreased by -3.09%.
Carbon (CRBN) can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: Hotbit,
Storing your Carbon (CRBN) securely typically involves transferring your tokens to a private cryptocurrency wallet that you control. These wallets can be hardware devices, mobile apps, or desktop programs. Always remember to keep your wallet's secret key private and secure.
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