Market Rank | #5058 |
Market Cap | $ 85.5K |
Volume 24h | $ 519.3 |
Circ. Supply | 255.0M |
Total Supply | 255.0M |
Max Supply | ? |
The current price of Busy (BUSY) is $ 0.00033541.
Busy (BUSY) is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized blockchain network. Just like other cryptocurrencies, transactions in BUSY are validated and recorded on a transparent, secure, and immutable digital ledger.
Information about who created Busy and their motivation has not been made available. However, the creators of most cryptocurrencies are incentivized by the prospect of creating a decentralized financial system that promises to overcome the limitations of traditional fiat currencies, such as inflation and centralized control.
Without specific features to differentiate Busy (BUSY) from other cryptocurrencies, one must consider its current market position, liquidity, and the level of security its network provides. These factors determine its uniqueness and value proposition in the dynamic and competitive cryptocurrency market.
If Busy (BUSY) operates on a proof-of-work consensus mechanism similar to Bitcoin, BUSY mining would involve computational work to solve complex mathematical problems. Miners who solve these problems first are rewarded with BUSY coins which are added to the circulating supply. The mining process also ensures the security and stability of the Busy network by validating transactions and preventing any manipulation.
Cryptocurrency halving events, if applicable to Busy (BUSY), generally lead to a decrease in the rate of new coins entering the circulating supply. This can potentially lead to a price increase due to the sudden scarcity, assuming demand remains steady.
Like any other cryptocurrency, Busy (BUSY) likely employs cryptographic security measures to ensure the safety and security of transactions. Transactions are validated by network participants, making it almost impossible to alter or fake transactions.
The current circulating supply of Busy (BUSY) is 255.0M.
Over the past 24 hours, the price of Busy (BUSY) has increased by +7.39%.
Busy (BUSY) can safely be purchased on the following exchanges:
You can securely store your Busy (BUSY) in a digital wallet that supports this coin. Remember to secure your wallet with a strong password and keep backup mnemonic phrases in a safe place.
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