The current price of Axentro (AXNT) is $ 0.00009291. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change quickly.
Axentro (AXNT) is a cryptocurrency that operates on a blockchain, which is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger. This digital asset enables instant, worldwide transactions between parties without the need for traditional financial institutions.
In the most recent 24-hour period, the price of Axentro has increased by +0.00%. The high volatility of crypto markets means prices can fluctuate dramatically even within short time frames.
Axentro (AXNT) currently ranks as the #1 largest cryptocurrency when measured by market capitalization. Its market cap stands at approximately $ .
The current circulating supply of Axentro is , out of a total supply of . This reflects how many units of Axentro are currently available for trading within the market.
Axentro can be purchased securely on . These platforms are widely recognized in the cryptocurrency market, providing efficient crypto trading services to its users. Always ensure you are using a reputable exchange to ensure your digital assets are safe.
You can securely store your Axentro in a digital wallet. These are software applications that allow you to securely hold, send and receive digital assets like Axentro (AXNT). Always make sure the wallet you use is compatible with Axentro and remember to keep your private keys secure.
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