The current price of ASSY Index is $ 0.70117400. Please note that the prices of cryptocurrencies are subject to frequent changes due to the market's volatility.
ASSY Index is a legit cryptocurrency that operates on blockchain technology, similar to other digital assets in the market. It uses cryptographic methods to create financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
The current circulating supply of ASSY Index is 1.2M. The total supply is 1.2M. It's important to note that these numbers can change over time.
In the past 24 hours, the price of ASSY Index has increased by +0.00%. The total trade volume during this time was .
The ASSY Index can be purchased on multiple exchanges currently. The list of these exchanges where ASSY Index is available is . These platforms have implemented stringent security measures making them safe for transactions.
You can securely store your ASSY Index in a digital wallet. These wallets store the public and private keys required to receive and spend the cryptocurrency. Some of the safest types of wallets include hardware wallets and cold storage wallet solutions.
ASSY Index, like every other cryptocurrency, has its own unique attributes. From its algorithm to its community, and the solutions it offers, it sets itself apart in a certain way. Specific details regarding what makes ASSY Index unique are not available for this writing.
The current market cap of ASSY Index is $ 0.8M, ranking it as number #1 on the list of cryptocurrencies by market cap. This number can provide insight into ASSY Index's size relative to other cryptocurrencies.
Please note that all the information provided is subject to change as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and unpredictable. Always do your own research before making investments in any cryptocurrency.
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