The current price of AllianceBlock (ALBT) is $ 0.00118822. As with all cryptocurrencies, the price is subject to volatilities in the market.
AllianceBlock (ALBT) is a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer two protocol bridging the divide between traditional capital markets and decentralized finance. The AllianceBlock Protocol is a decentralized, smart contract-based architecture, where all parties in the system can interact in a trusted, compliant, and secure way.
As a bridge between traditional and decentralized finance, the AllianceBlock protocol stands out in the crypto world. It offers a blockchain-agnostic, layer two routing protocol that facilitates cross-layer and cross chain interactions, enabling users across different protocols to interact and conduct business.
The current circulating supply of AllianceBlock (ALBT) is 460.8M. This is out of a total supply of 1000.0M tokens.
In the last 24 hours, the price of AllianceBlock (ALBT) has increased by +1.71%. This, however, is subject to change as cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can fluctuate rapidly.
AllianceBlock (ALBT) can be safely purchased on the following exchanges: CoinEx, Bitfinex, Hotbit, KuCoin. It is recommended to use these affirmed platforms to ensure secure transactions.
You can securely store your AllianceBlock (ALBT) tokens in any wallet with ERC-20 support, as AllianceBlock is built on the Ethereum blockchain. Be aware of the safety practices when dealing with cryptocurrencies, such as not sharing your private keys and keeping your hardware wallets secure.
The market capitalization of AllianceBlock (ALBT) currently stands at $ 0.5M. It ranks #2321 in the global cryptocurrency market.
AllianceBlock (ALBT) has a 24-hour trading volume of 3.1K, reflecting its recent trading activity in the crypto market.
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