The current price of 0.5X Long Cardano (ADAHALF) is $ 25,869.00 as of the latest data update.
0.5X Long Cardano (ADAHALF) is a cryptocurrency derivative product. Just like regular trading, if the value of the underlying Cardano (ADA) cryptocurrency rises, the value of ADAHALF also increases, but at half the rate of growth. This means that it provides less risk and return compared to directly holding Cardano.
As of the most recent data, there are ADAHALF in circulation.
Within the last 24 hours, 0.5X Long Cardano's price has increased by +0.00%.
0.5X Long Cardano (ADAHALF) can currently be purchased on these exchanges: . However, users should always exercise due diligence and use safe internet practices while making transactions.
0.5X Long Cardano (ADAHALF) can be securely stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens as it follows the ERC-20 token standard. Such wallet options include hardware wallets, software wallets, and even some exchange wallets. Always make sure to keep your private keys secure and avoid sharing them with others.
The market capitalization of 0.5X Long Cardano (ADAHALF) is $ , ranking it at number #1 in overall cryptocurrency market cap rankings.
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