The current price of Ziticoin (ZITI) is $ 0.00013019. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are volatile and can change rapidly.
Ziticoin is a form of digital or virtual currency, which uses cryptography for security. As a cryptocurrency, ZITI operates on a technology called the blockchain. It is a decentralized platform, with no central authority like a government, institution, or individual having control over it. Just like other cryptocurrencies, ZITI can be used to purchase goods and services electronically, and is also held by some as an investment.
Ziticoin's price has increased by +0.00% over the past 24 hours. Cryptocurrency prices are notoriously volatile and can shift quickly in response to new market trends or events.
The circulating supply of Ziticoin (ZITI) is currently . However, the total maximum supply of ZITI that will ever be in existence is capped at 500.0B.
ZITI can be bought on any of the exchanges listed under . It is highly advisable to utilize secure and reputable exchanges when dealing in cryptocurrencies to ensure the safety of your assets.
To securely store your Ziticoins, you can utilize cryptocurrency wallets. These wallets come in several types, including online (web) wallets, mobile wallets (on your smartphone), desktop wallets (your computer), hardware wallets (offline devices), and paper wallets (physical copies of your cryptocurrency data). It's crucial to use a method corresponding to your overall security and ease-of-access needs.
Ziticoin’s current market capitalization is $ , making it the #1 largest cryptocurrency on the market. Market capitalization, or market cap, refers to the total dollar value of all of a particular cryptocurrency's available coins or tokens.
The trading volume of Ziticoin over the last 24 hours amounts to 3.1K. This volume figure indicates how popular a cryptocurrency is with traders and indicates the number of ZITI coins that have been traded in the last 24 hours across all exchanges.
Please note, all the figures presented are real-time and constantly changing due to the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency markets.
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