The current price of (YFIM) is $ 8.54. (YFIM) is a cryptocurrency that operates on a decentralised network. Like other digital currencies, it's a form of online value exchange that can be used to purchase goods and services, or held for potential future value appreciation. The operations of are verified through cryptography and recorded on a public ledger known as a blockchain.
The price change of (YFIM) over the last 24 hours is +0.00%. It has increased in value during this period.
The current circulating supply of (YFIM) is . This is within a total supply of 60.0K. (YFIM) can be purchased safely at any of the following . Always make sure to use reputable and trusted exchanges when buying cryptocurrencies.
Secure storage of (YFIM) entails using a digital wallet that has robust security measures in place. Wallets come in different forms, including online, mobile, desktop, and hardware. It is essential to ensure your wallet is encrypted and backed up, and that any private keys are securely stored.
Currently, (YFIM) is ranked #1 in terms of market capitalisation, which is currently valued at $ . This reflects the total value of all tokens in circulation.
The trading volume of (YFIM) in the past 24 hours has been around 5.1K. Trading volume is a crucial metric for measuring the activity and liquidity of a cryptocurrency.
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