The current price of xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is $ 2.78.
xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is a digital asset that operates on a blockchain platform. It is one of the variant cryptocurrencies in the market today, with the value of each unit based on its real-time market price. Cryptocurrencies like xAAVEb work by leveraging blockchain technology, which provides a transparent and decentralized medium for peer-to-peer transactions. All transactions are securely recorded on the blockchain and cannot be altered, providing enhanced security and trust for users.
The price of xAAVEb (XAAVEB) has increased recently and the change in the last 24 hours is +0.00%.
The circulating supply of xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is currently at . The total supply is 0.2M xAAVEb tokens.
The safest place to buy xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is on the where it's currently available. Make sure to use a reliable and secure cryptocurrency exchange that facilitates safe transactions and stores your assets securely.
Securing your xAAVEb (XAAVEB) involves keeping them in a safe and secure digital wallet. These wallets could be either hardware or software, but hardware wallets are usually recommended for higher asset security. Be sure to carefully manage your wallet's private key and avoid sharing it with anyone.
The current market cap of xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is $ . This places it at rank #1 when compared with other cryptocurrencies by their market capitalization.
The 24-hour trading volume of xAAVEb (XAAVEB) is 12.3K, indicating the amount that has been traded in the past 24 hours across all platforms.
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