The current price of (SWISS) is $ 42.77. (SWISS) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the blockchain. Its transactions are verified and recorded in a public distributed ledger. Like other cryptocurrencies, harnesses blockchain's secure and decentralized nature to enable peer-to-peer transactions. lacks explicit attribution to specific creators, a common trend amongst many cryptocurrencies. The creators' underlying motivation, however, often revolves around providing a decentralized, secure, and efficient means of conducting transactions, unbounded by traditional banking systems and government control.
While all cryptocurrencies share commonalities, the unique value propositions and features of differentiate it from others. Specific distinguishing characteristics require more information to fully explain.
The circulating supply of is 4.6K.
In the last 24 hours,'s price has increased by +0.00%. (SWISS) can be safely and securely purchased on the following exchanges: ., like any other cryptocurrency, should be stored in a digital wallet. Wallets range from online options to physical hardware wallets. Security measures should include regularly updating wallet software, using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and only using reputable cryptocurrency exchanges. presently has a market cap of $ 0.2M, ranking it at number #1 in the overall cryptocurrency market. has traded in the past 24 hours.
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