SwapToken TOKEN

Rank ?

$ 0.00000032 +1.70%

SwapToken Price (TOKEN)

SwapToken to USD Price Chart

What is the current price of SwapToken (TOKEN)?

The current price of SwapToken (TOKEN) is approximately $ 0.00000032. Like all cryptocurrencies, this price tends to fluctuate and has changed by about +1.70% over the past 24 hours.

What is SwapToken (TOKEN)?

SwapToken (TOKEN) is a type of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions. SwapToken, like other cryptocurrencies, operates on a technology called blockchain which is a type of distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers called nodes.

Who created SwapToken?

The specific individuals behind SwapToken's creation have not been disclosed, but the project is currently overseen and further developed by a team of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and software professionals. More information can be found on their official website at trollpayment.com.

How does SwapToken work?

SwapToken operates based on the principles of blockchain technology. Each TOKEN transaction is confirmed by this network of independent computers (nodes), securing the ledger against fraud. Once a set number of transactions have been confirmed, they are compiled into a 'block' and added to a chain of previous transactions. This is the foundational technology for most cryptocurrencies - hence the name 'blockchain'.

What makes SwapToken unique?

The uniqueness of SwapToken comes from its specific use case. It strives to provide a secure and efficient means of swapping other cryptocurrencies on the market, leveraging the power of its own blockchain for maximum security. Remember to always do your own thorough research before getting involved in new cryptocurrencies as every crypto carries its own unique risks and benefits.

What is the current market rank of SwapToken?

SwapToken boasts a commendable market capitalization and is ranked ##1 in the global crypto market.

How much SwapToken is currently in circulation?

The circulating supply of SwapToken is approximately TOKENs. Considering the total supply of TOKENs, a significant proportion of SwapToken is already out there in the market, being traded on various YoBit, Nova.

Where can you purchase SwapToken (TOKEN)?

SwapToken (TOKEN) is available for purchase on various cryptocurrency exchanges. However, the options may vary depending on your region and local regulations. We recommend you to always check the official channels and legitimate exchanges for the latest information on where to purchase SwapToken. Remember, security is paramount while dealing with digital assets, so always ensure you're using trusted platforms and wallets to store your TOKENs.

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