Currently, SAT is valued at $ 0.00006144, a increased of +0.00% in the last 24 hours. This data is updated in real-time, so you may wish to check frequently for the most accurate and current information.
Social Activity Token (or SAT) is more than just another cryptocurrency. It's the cornerstone of Sphere, a decentralized social network that places a high premium on user's privacy, company transparency, and data security. Sphere's central ethos is that the profits from users' data, which are currently being monopolized by major corporations on traditional social media networks, should rightfully belong to the users themselves.
Sphere operates on a unique integrated market system, complete with its own advertising platform. This means that it not only respects user privacy and data but also allows users to benefit from it. The role of the SAT in this system is to apply blockchain technology to transactions within the Sphere network, providing both users and companies with a secure and private method of compensation.
Social Activity Token is the creation of Sphere, a company built on the philosophy that privacy, transparency, and data security should be fundamental components of every social platform.
Social Activity Tokens are used within the Sphere Network to handle transactions. Sphere respects users' privacy and does not sell user data to third parties like most of today's popular social media platforms. Instead, SATs empower users by giving them the control of their data. If companies want access to their data, they have to compensate the users with SAT. This creates an ecosystem where users benefit from data profits rather than third-party companies.
Additionally, SATs can also be used for a variety of other applications, including funding grassroots campaigns and movements, thereby expanding their reach to larger audiences.
The unique selling proposition of SATs lies in its fundamental design. It is not just a cryptocurrency; it is a tool to revolutionize social media user privacy and data security rights. SATs are integral to a decentralized, user-focused social network that prioritizes individual rights to privacy and compensation for data.
Also, unlike traditional cryptocurrencies and tokens, once the initial offering of SATs is concluded, no more SAT tokens will be produced, making every SAT token ever created inherently limited and potentially valuable.
The current circulating supply is at 127.0M, with a total supply of 470.8M. Please note that no more SAT tokens will ever be produced after the launch of Sphere Network, making it a finite resource.
As of this writing, the market capitalization of Social Activity Token (SAT) sits at $ 7.8K, making it rank #3669 in the global cryptocurrency market ranking.
You can purchase SAT on the following exchanges: YoBit. Just remember to store them safely, preferably in a secure wallet, for the best security.
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