The current price of Royale (ROYA) is $ 0.00405064. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change rapidly.
Roya is a legitimate cryptocurrency, but the specific details on how Royale works cannot be provided without veering into speculation or assumptions. Cryptocurrencies like Royale typically operate on a blockchain, a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across many computers.
Without specific details pertaining to Royale(ROYA), it is tough to conclusively distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies. However, no two cryptocurrencies are alike, and each one serves unique features or uses.
The circulating supply of Royale (ROYA) is 40.5M. This figure indicates the number of ROYA coins currently being traded in the market, and not locked in any form of reserve.
The price of Royale (ROYA) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours. Remember that cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate significantly over a brief period.
Royale (ROYA) can be obtained from the following exchanges: Hotbit. It's crucial to use a reputed exchange and implement necessary safety practices.
Secure storage of Royale is accomplished the same way as with any cryptocurrency. It is advised to use a digital wallet, which could be online, offline, mobile, or hardware-based. These wallets offer varying levels of security, and the choice should depend on the quantity of cryptocurrency you hold and the level of risk you are willing to take. In all cases, the wallet's private keys should be kept secret and secure.
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