The current price of Pirl (PIRL) is $ 0.00048651, with a fluctuation of +0.00% over the last 24 hours. The trading volume during this period was 28.1.
Please note that the price is subject to changes, as it depends on the dynamics of the market. It's crucial to check the latest price before making any transactions.
Pirl is the first Ethash based Masternode Crypto, inspired by the Ethereum network. Rather than just offering a simple blockchain, Pirl also represents a comprehensive decentralize ecosystem consisting of decentralized storage, applications and more. Created by community developers, it's designed to be as decentralised as possible while maintaining a strong, robust network.
Pirl was created by a team of developers who, dissatisfied with the state of the cryptocurrency scene, decided to create a coin that would truly champion the values of decentralisation. They have remained largely anonymous, choosing to put the project at the forefront and create a truly community managed cryptocurrency.
Pirl operates on a principle called Ethash. Similar to Ethereum, it uses a protocol known as proof-of-work. This means, just like Bitcoin and Ethereum, that miners verify transactions by collectively solving complex mathematical problems, adding these transactions to the blockchain.
The Pirl Masternodes provide a plethora of useful features such as decentralized content and storage, as well as governance voting and smart contract capability.
One of the main highlights of Pirl is its masternode system. Unlike other cryptos which limit masternode functionality to just facilitating transactions, Pirl masternodes perform multiple functions, including operating decentralized applications and storing content.
Furthermore, Pirl prides itself as a fully decentralized platform where there are no preferred partners or founders having more control than the community. All users have an equal opportunity to contribute and make decisions.
Moreover, the team behind Pirl has created a marketplace known as "PirlChat" that allows users to communicate and trade freely with security and privacy.
The number of Pirl coins currently in circulation is . Unlike other cryptos, Pirl does not have a predetermined maximum supply limit, allowing miners to continuously mine Pirl coins and receive rewards for securing the network.
Pirl (PIRL) is available for trading on several cryptocurrency exchanges. However, it's essential to consider the risks involved in trading cryptocurrencies, as they are highly volatile and you could lose your investment. The STEX, Graviex, BTC-Alpha are among the prominent platforms on which Pirl is being traded currently. Always remember, investing involves certain risks and shouldn't be taken lightly.
In order to keep your Pirl coins safe, it's highly recommended to use hardware wallets or any secure wallets that do not expose your private keys. Always make sure the security features of your wallet are updated. Backing up your wallet is also essential so you won't lose your assets in case of device failure. Lastly, be aware of phishing scams that attempt to steal your coins and never reveal your private keys to anyone. Cryptocurrency safety involves the constant vigilance of the asset owner.
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