The current price of Nice (NICE) is $ 113.52, according to the latest data. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are very volatile and can change rapidly.
Nice (NICE) is a cryptocurrency that operates on blockchain technology, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger where all transactions made with a cryptocurrency are recorded. Please refer to the Nice's official website for more specific details about how this particular coin operates within its network.
The information about the creator(s) of Nice and their motivation behind its creation is not provided in the given data. It's common for the creators of a cryptocurrency to remain anonymous or use pseudonyms. As with many cryptocurrencies, the probable motivation behind creating Nice could be to facilitate decentralized transactions, improve on existing blockchain technology, or foster innovation in the field.
Detailed specifications about Nice (NICE) are not provided within the given data. However, each cryptocurrency operates within its own underlying technology, overall mission, and community of users which sets it apart from other digital currencies.
Currently, there are 276.8 NICE coins in circulation. The total supply of NICE is 276.8.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Nice has increased by +0.00%.
The best place to buy NICE safely would be on the where the cryptocurrency is currently listed. As an exercise of your own due diligence, be sure to use reputable exchange platforms and employ necessary security measures during transactions.
To store NICE securely, you would need a digital wallet that supports this cryptocurrency. Digital wallets can either be hardware (physical devices) or software (apps, browser extensions). It's crucial to protect your wallet with strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and backup your wallet to ensure your NICE holdings' safety.
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