As of the most recent data, the price of a single (LOOT) token is $ 0.11740900. (LOOT) is a unique cryptocurrency. While the specific functionality and use case depends on the decisions made by its creators and community, it operates like all cryptocurrencies. Transactions are securely conducted on a decentralized digital ledger known as a blockchain.
The current circulating supply of LOOT tokens is . Please note that this figure can change over time due to various factors such as mining, burning, and other token-specific mechanisms.
The price of (LOOT) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours.
There are many reputable exchanges where you can buy (LOOT) safely. Some of the most popular options include Hotbit. (LOOT) currently has a market capitalization of $ , ranking it at #1 in terms of total value.
The trading volume of (LOOT) over the last 24 hours is 73.6. This represents the total amount of LOOT that has been bought and sold during that period.
Secure storage of your LOOT tokens is important to protect them from theft. There are numerous options for securely storing your LOOT, such as hardware wallets, paper wallets, and secure digital wallets. We recommend doing your own research and choosing the storage method that best suits your needs.
The total supply of LOOT ever to be created is 40.0K. This includes all existing tokens plus any that haven't been mined or released yet.
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