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LocalCoinSwap LCS

Rank #2448

$ 0.06716900 +5.09%

LocalCoinSwap Price (LCS)

LocalCoinSwap to USD Price Chart

LocalCoinSwap Statistics

Market Rank #2448
Market Cap $ 2.6M
Volume 24h $ 4.3K
Circ. Supply 38.3M
Total Supply 72.7M
Max Supply ?
Genesis Date 14/3/2018

What is the current price of LocalCoinSwap (LCS)?

Today, the price of LocalCoinSwap (LCS) stands at $ 0.06716900. In the past 24 hours, LCS has increased by +5.09%.

What is LocalCoinSwap (LCS)?

LocalCoinSwap is an innovative project aiming to provide a decentralized platform for peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency trading. Unlike many traditional exchanges, LocalCoinSwap eliminates the use of centralized bank accounts, verification requirements, and trading limitations which makes the platform both user-friendly and highly accessible. The decentralized nature of LocalCoinSwap allows traders from around the world to directly engage in cryptocurrency exchanges to efficiently and seamlessly reach consensus on trades.

How does LocalCoinSwap work?

LocalCoinSwap works by enabling peer-to-peer trades between users through a decentralized platform. The idea is to allow users to directly trade with one another without the need for a central authority or intermediary like a traditional crypto exchange. This means users have more control over their trades, providing a more seamless and user-centric trading experience. Additionally, restrictions on trade are eliminated providing greater flexibility and inclusivity for global users of various backgrounds and resources.

Who are the creators of LocalCoinSwap?

LocalCoinSwap is developed by a team of experienced blockchain developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It's not a sole creation of a single person or entity. Further details about the team can be found on the official website, localcoinswap.com.

What makes LocalCoinSwap unique?

One of the most unique features of LocalCoinSwap is its profit distribution model. LocalCoinSwap is designed to distribute 100% of the site's profits to Cryptoshares holders on a 1-to-1 basis. This is done through a blockchain-based decentralized dividend application, providing an attractive benefit not just for traders on the platform, but also for investors holding Cryptoshares. This unique profit distribution model distinguishes LocalCoinSwap from many traditional cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms.

How much LocalCoinSwap (LCS) is in circulation?

As of the latest data, there are 38.3M LCS coins in circulation out of a total supply of 72.7M.

How is the LocalCoinSwap network secured?

As a decentralized platform, the security of the LocalCoinSwap network depends on the collaborative efforts of its users. The inherent nature of blockchain technology provides a high level of security, but the specific mechanisms employed by LocalCoinSwap to ensure the safety and security of its users' assets and transactions are not provided in this article.

How much is LocalCoinSwap's market cap?

LocalCoinSwap (LCS) currently ranks #2449 in terms of market cap wealth with a total market cap of $ 2.6M.

Where can you buy LocalCoinSwap (LCS)?

LocalCoinSwap (LCS) can be currently purchased from the following exchanges: Hotbit. Please remember that it's crucial to do your own research and consider your own risk tolerance before participating in cryptocurrency trading.

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