The current price of Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) is $ 0.00000000. Please note that due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, this price is subject to constant fluctuations.
Ketchup Finance is a legitimate cryptocurrency token operating under the symbol "KETCHUP". It represents a unique aspect of the vast digital finance landscape. While much detail about its specific functionality is not available in the provided variables, KETCHUP, like other cryptocurrencies, typically operates on the principles of blockchain technology and decentralized finance.
The circulating supply of Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) tokens is currently at tokens.
The price of the Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours, given the constantly changing nature of the crypto market.
Currently, Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) can be safely purchased on the following exchanges: .
As with all cryptocurrencies, securing your Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) requires digital wallets that support this specific token. Wallet software should be chosen based on factors like security features, user interface, customer reviews, and compatibility with various operating systems.
As of now, the market capitalization of Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) is $ , ranking it as number #1 in the global cryptocurrency market.
The specifics of what makes Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) different from other cryptocurrencies is dependent on various factors including its underlying technology, use case, adoption, and the community around it.
The 24-hour trading volume of Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) is which reflects the amount of KETCHUP traded on all exchanges in the past 24 hours.
The total supply of the Ketchup Finance (KETCHUP) tokens is 25.5M, illustrating the maximum number of KETCHUP tokens that will ever exist.
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