The current price of Karaganda Token (KRG) is $ 0.00140995
Karaganda Token (KRG) is a digital asset or cryptocurrency that operates on the blockchain network. Similar to other cryptocurrencies, it is decentralized, allowing for peer-to-peer transactions to take place directly between users without the need for an intermediary. KRG uses cryptographic proofs to verify transactions, ensuring their security and integrity.
The current circulating supply of Karaganda Token (KRG) is . The total supply is capped at 10.0M.
The price of Karaganda Token (KRG) has recently increased by +0.00%.
Karaganda Token (KRG) can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: BTC-Alpha. It's advisable to stick to well-known and reputable exchanges for the safe acquisition and trading of cryptocurrency.
The safest way to store your Karaganda Tokens is using a cryptocurrency wallet. Wallets can be digital apps on your smartphone or computer, hardware wallets which are offline devices, or paper wallets. It is strongly recommended that you enable two-factor authentication and regularly update your wallet software to the latest version for maximum security.
As a cryptocurrency, Karaganda Token employs a variety of security measures inherent to blockchain technology. These include the use of cryptographic protections for transactions and the requirement of network consensus for transaction validation. The decentralization of the network also represents a key security advantage, as it makes the system resilient to single points of failure.
Karaganda Token currently ranks as ##1 in terms of market capitalization with a value of $ . The 24-hour trading volume is .
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