The current price of Jindoge (JINDOGE) is $ 0.00000000.
Jindoge (JINDOGE) is a digitally decentralized cryptocurrency. It operates on a technology called blockchain which is a distributed ledger enforcing a decentralized network of computers, also known as nodes. Jindoge facilitates the direct transfer of value in digital form from one party to another, without the need for intermediaries like banks. The blockchain technology ensures the transparency, security, and immutability of all transactions.
The circulating supply of Jindoge (JINDOGE) is currently . The total supply is 1000.0T, meaning that there are still a few coins left to be mined or released.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Jindoge (JINDOGE) has increased by +0.00%.
Jindoge (JINDOGE) can be safely purchased on the following exchanges: . These platforms provide secure trading experiences, with options to buy Jindoge (JINDOGE) directly or trade for it using other cryptocurrencies.
The current market capitalization of Jindoge (JINDOGE) is $ . By this measure, Jindoge (JINDOGE) currently ranks as the #1 largest cryptocurrency in the market.
To secure your Jindoge (JINDOGE), it’s recommended that you use a digital wallet that supports this type of cryptocurrency. This can be a hardware wallet, a software wallet, or a wallet provided by the exchange where you purchased the coin. It is crucial to protect your private keys and ensure the security of your digital assets.
The trading volume of Jindoge (JINDOGE) in the last 24 hours has been 5.0, indicating the coin’s current popularity and liquidity in the market.
Please note that all information provided is based on the current statistics and can change as new data becomes available.
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