Fompound (FOMP) is currently trading at $ 0.14093300 per coin. The cryptocurrency ranks #1 in terms of market capitalization, which stands at $ .
Fompound (FOMP) is a type of cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies. It works on the principle of cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Its functioning depends on the blockchain technology, which forms a decentralized ledger for keeping a public record of all transactions.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Fompound (FOMP) has decreased by -1.83%. This change indicates the current market conditions of Fompound and serves as a useful data point for potential investors and traders.
The current circulating supply of Fompound is , with a total supply of 1.0M.
Fompound (FOMP) can be purchased safely and securely on the following cryptocurrency exchanges: . Like all cryptocurrencies, it can be traded for other digital assets or fiat currencies depending on the offerings of the exchange.
Securing your Fompound (FOMP) involves keeping them in crypto wallets that could either be hardware or software-based. These wallets store the keys necessary to access and transact with your FOMP holdings. It's essential to keep these keys secure and shield your wallet from potential hacking attempts.
The total volume of Fompound (FOMP) traded in the last 24 hours is 2.1. This figure helps provide an understanding of the coin's liquidity and market activity.
The unique features and functionalities of Fompound that sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies can't be specified without straying into speculative content. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it operates on the principles of decentralization, immutability, and transparency provided by the foundational blockchain technology.
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