Market Rank | #1692 |
Market Cap | $ 10.5M |
Volume 24h | $ 8.5K |
Circ. Supply | 70.5M |
Total Supply | 100.0M |
Max Supply | 100.0M |
The current price of Ethix (ETHIX) is $ 0.14871100.
Ethix (ETHIX) is a digital cryptocurrency built on blockchain technology. It operates on the principles of decentralization, making it free from central authority like governments or banks. The exact operation of Ethix, like most cryptocurrencies, relies on sophisticated cryptographic techniques to ensure secure transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify the transfer of assets.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Ethix (ETHIX) has increased by +2.35%.
As of the most recent data, Ethix (ETHIX) ranks #1693 in terms of market capitalization with a total market cap of $ 10.5M.
There are currently 70.5M Ethix in circulation, from a total supply of 100.0M Ethix.
Ethix (ETHIX) can be purchased on the following exchanges: .
The volume of Ethix (ETHIX) traded in the last 24 hours amounts to 8.5K.
Without specific details about Ethix's technical or socio-economic aspects it's hard to outline what makes it specifically unique from other cryptocurrencies. However, like every cryptocurrency, Ethix's unique qualities may stem from its distinct governance model, consensus algorithm, utility proposition, or user community.
Ethix can be stored securely in a variety of cryptocurrency wallets that support it. Wallets come in multiple forms such as hardware wallets, software wallets (desktop or mobile), and online (web) wallets. Generally, it's recommended to use a mix of wallet types to balance convenience and security.
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