Market Rank | ? |
Market Cap | ? |
Volume 24h | $ 22.0K |
Circ. Supply | ? |
Total Supply | 10.0M |
Max Supply | 10.0M |
The current price of Donkey (DONK) is $ 0.00161876.
Donkey (DONK) is a digital currency similar to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) that operates on blockchain technology. Transactions made with DONK are stored in a public ledger and are verified by a network of computers.
As of this time, our records do not show specific information regarding the creator or creators of Donkey (DONK). Nonetheless, the motivation behind the creation of most cryptocurrencies is to provide a decentralized form of currency and to innovate the existing financial system.
Donkey (DONK) shares most of its functionalities with many traditional cryptocurrencies. However, specifics about what makes it unique or different aren't available at this time.
The current circulating supply of Donkey (DONK) is listed as .
Over the last 24 hours, the price of Donkey (DONK) has increased by +3.20%.
You can buy Donkey (DONK) safely on the where it is currently listed.
Donkey (DONK), like other cryptocurrencies, can be stored in a digital wallet. Wallets can be online, offline, software, or hardware based. It's recommended to use a combination of these for maximum security.
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