Market Rank | #915 |
Market Cap | $ 39.2M |
Volume 24h | $ 101.3 |
Circ. Supply | 387.2M |
Total Supply | 1000.0M |
Max Supply | 1000.0M |
The current price of DeGate (DG) is $ 0.10125300.
DeGate (DG) is a legitimate decentralized exchange (DEX) platform and a cryptocurrency that represents a key utility on the platform. As a DEX, it allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly without the need for an intermediary, thereby providing greater privacy and control over their assets.
While information about individual creators may not be readily available or disclosed, DeGate was created with the motivation to offer decentralized, secure, and intuitive trading solutions. The DG token plays a pivotal role in facilitating these services.
What sets DeGate apart from other cryptocurrencies is its distinct role within its native DeGate decentralized exchange. DG token holders may have unique benefits or voting rights on the platform, and the token may be used for discounted trading fees or other platform-specific utilities.
In the context of DeGate, "mining" typically refers to obtaining DG tokens through certain activities on the platform, rather than traditional Proof of Work mining. This could include liquidity provision, participation in governance, or other contributions. The specifics of how these activities affect the DeGate network and the DG token's valuation and distribution may vary.
While some cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, have events known as "halvings", it's important to note that these mechanisms aren't universally applicable. As DeGate's monetary policy may differ, it might not experience such events as "halvings". Instead, it will follow its own emission schedule as decided by the DeGate protocol and its community of token holders.
The DeGate network likely utilizes typical security defenses employed by blockchain-based decentralized platforms. This could include the use of cryptography for transaction encryption, decentralized consensus mechanisms for transaction validation, and smart contracts for added security and automation.
There may not be a direct DeGate equivalent to Bitcoin's Lightning Network, as these technologies serve different uses within their respective protocols. While the Lightning Network is a layer 2 scaling solution for Bitcoin, DeGate, being a DEX, may focus more on solutions for liquidity, trading efficiency, and smart contracts.
There are currently 387.2M DG tokens in circulation.
The price of DeGate (DG) has decreased by -0.70% in the last 24 hours.
The safest place to buy DeGate (DG) is on the where it is listed currently.
Secure storage for DeGate (DG) can be achieved using a variety of wallet solutions suitable for ERC-20 tokens (assuming DG is an ERC-20 token). Options range from software wallets, which can be run on personal devices, to hardware wallets, which provide an extra layer of security by keeping private keys completely offline. Users should pick a solution that best fulfills their security, control, and convenience needs.
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