As of now, the price of ALTOM is $ 0.00191024. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by +0.00%.
ALTOM is a unique digital cryptocurrency token. Just like other cryptocurrencies, it operates on a decentralized network. Transactions made with ALTOM are processed, verified, and stored in a digital ledger called a blockchain.
The specific creators of ALTOM are not well-known. The digital token is associated with the website, but we do not have concrete details about the individuals or the team that is responsible for the development of ALTOM.
ALTOM, similar to other cryptocurrencies, runs on a system of computers, or nodes, which manage and record transactions on a decentralized ledger called a blockchain. This type of setup helps in preventing any single authority or entity from gaining control over the currency, maintaining its democratic and decentralized nature. Transactions are secured through cryptographic means, ensuring the security and integrity of the ALTOM network.
Without more concrete information, we can't dive into specifics about ALTOM's unique selling points. However, most cryptocurrencies aim to offer unique value propositions such as improved security, speed, or decentralization or they serve specific purposes or environments.
The market cap of ALTOM, at present, stands at $ , ranking it at number #1 among all cryptocurrencies.
The total amount of ALTOM that is currently in circulation or in active use stands at . The predetermined total supply of ALTOM is 5.0M, suggesting that the majority of ALTOM tokens are already in the market.
ALTOM can be purchased from a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges. The specific exchanges where ALTOM is available are YoBit.
Maintaining the security of your ALTOM, and any other digital currency, should be a top priority. Be sure to store your ALTOM in a secure digital wallet, avoid sharing personal information, and use exchanges with robust security measures in place.
The daily trading volume of ALTOM is an important indicator of its popularity and liquidity. Currently, ALTOM's 24-hour trading volume stands at 0.2.
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