Zero Collateral Dai ZAI

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$ 0.00072899

Zero Collateral Dai Price (ZAI)

Zero Collateral Dai to USD Price Chart

What Is the Current Price of Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) Today?

The current price of Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) today stands at $ 0.00072899.

What Is Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) and How Does It Work?

Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) is a distinctive form of cryptocurrency. It's developed to maintain a stable value against a specific benchmark, rather than possessing the characteristic volatility common in other cryptocurrencies.

In essence, Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) works by allowing users to collateralize their cryptocurrency holdings, borrowing against them to convert into a stable coin, which in this case, is Dai. What sets ZAI apart is the 'zero collateral', meaning no overcollateralization is required.

Who Created Zero Collateral Dai and What Was Their Motivation?

Like many cryptocurrencies, the exact creator or team of creators of Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) is unknown. The primary motivation behind its creation, however, is clear: to establish a stable, valuable digital currency free from the volatility that marks many cryptos. By requiring no over-collateralization, ZAI also minimizes investment risk, making it an appealing option for many crypto enthusiasts and traders.

What Makes Zero Collateral Dai Different from Other Cryptocurrencies?

The key distinguishing feature of Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) is its mechanism of stability. Unlike other volatile cryptocurrencies, ZAI is designed to maintain a stable value. It achieves this through an innovative approach which enables collateralization without the need for over-collateralization, effectively eliminating added risk for borrowers.

How Many Zero Collateral Dai Are Currently in Circulation?

Currently, there's a circulating supply of Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) in the market. However, the total planned or maximum supply in existence is 133.6M ZAI.

How Has Zero Collateral Dai's Price Changed Recently?

In the last 24 hours, the price of Zero Collateral Dai has increased by +0.00%. This price reflects the latest trading activity on the established crypto exchanges.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) Safely?

Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) can be securely and safely purchased on the following crypto exchanges: . It's recommended to always use reputable and well-known exchanges for all transactions to ensure safety and security.

How Can I Securely Store My Zero Collateral Dai?

Securing your Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI) involves utilizing a digital cryptocurrency wallet. It's essential to choose a wallet that is compatible with ZAI. Look for wallets well known for their security measures to ensure the maximum possible security for your crypto assets. Remember that not all wallets support all types of cryptocurrencies. Always back up your wallet and keep your keys secure to add an extra layer of safety.

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