As of the most recent update, the current price of Star Shib (STARSB) is $ 0.00001248. Given the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, please note that prices can fluctuate significantly within short periods.
Star Shib is a cryptocurrency like many others. Its operations are based on blockchain technology, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions. The cornerstone of its function relies on cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
The specifics of who created Star Shib or their motivation are not provided in our available data. It's common for the creators of newer cryptocurrencies to remain anonymous, much like the creator of Bitcoin. What is known about most cryptocurrency creators is their intent to establish a decentralized, secure and anonymous method of transferring digital assets.
Without detailed specifics, it's not possible to provide unique attributes of Star Shib that may distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies. However, in general, different cryptocurrencies may offer various functionalities or consensus mechanisms, differing tokenomics, or unique partnerships and collaborations.
Presently, there are of Star Shib (STARSB) in circulation. The total supply of Star Shib is locked at 10.0B, serving as the maximum number of STARSB that will ever exist.
In the past 24 hours, Star Shib's price has increased by +0.00%. Being a cryptocurrency, its price is subject to the market's volatility and can change rapidly.
You can purchase Star Shib (STARSB) safely on the . These platforms are recognized for their security measures and trusted by many in the crypto community.
For storing Star Shib (STARSB) or any other cryptocurrency, it's recommended to use a secure wallet. Wallets can be hardware-based (physical) or software-based (digital). It's crucial to ensure your chosen wallet is secure and backed up to protect against unexpected loss.
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