Stader Logo
Stader SD

Rank #818

$ 0.61872300 -4.55%

Stader Price (SD)

Stader to USD Price Chart

Stader Statistics

Market Rank #818
Market Cap $ 34.9M
Volume 24h $ 4.1M
Circ. Supply 56.3M
Total Supply 120.0M
Max Supply 150.0M

What is the live SD price?

Stader price today is $0.61872300 on global average. It is down by -4.55% in the last 24 hours with a total volume of $4.1M. Current market cap is $34.9M. The price is being updated in real-time.

What is Stader?

Stader is a decentralized cryptocurrency that's ranked #818 by market cap. Stader has a maximum supply of 150.0M SD and a circulating supply of 56.3M SD.

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