As of the most recent data, the current price of Rotten (ROT) is $ 0.00003495.
Rotten (ROT) is a cryptocurrency that operates on blockchain technology, similar to other cryptocurrencies. Literal financial transactions are made with this digital currency, with the blockchain recording the details of these operations, including the transaction time and participant details. The cryptographic codes inherent in the blockchain provide security.
The current circulating supply of Rotten (ROT) is 254.0M. However, there is a total supply of 254.0M.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Rotten (ROT) has increased by +0.00%.
Rotten (ROT) holds the #3744 ranking based on its market capitalization, which is currently $ 8.9K.
Rotten (ROT) can be obtained on the following exchanges: . These cryptocurrency exchanges are renowned for their security and reliability.
To securely store your Rotten (ROT), it's recommended to use a digital wallet that supports this currency. Be sure to protect your wallet with a strong password and keep your private keys hidden.
The 24-hour trading volume of Rotten (ROT) is 20.7. This cryptocurrency exhibits substantial liquidity, allowing efficient trade execution.
Like all cryptocurrencies, Rotten (ROT) uses the unique technology of blockchain. However, the actual differentiating factors lie in the specific use cases, transaction speeds, fees, and consensus mechanisms of Rotten, which can vary drastically from other coins and tokens. While all of this would be included in an in-depth analysis, it is beyond the scope of this current database entry.
As a blockchain-based cryptocurrency, Rotten (ROT) incorporates a set of security measures inherent to blockchain technology. Blockchain makes use of cryptographic technology for secured transactions and control creation of new units. Precise security measures, such as consensus protocols used by Rotten, would be specified in a detailed technical analysis.
Without speculating about potential risks or issues, it can be stated that, like all cryptocurrencies, a wide range of security measures are in place for Rotten (ROT). However, the personal security of users' digital wallets and private keys is also critical in maintaining the security of Rotten.
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