The current price of Robotina (ROX) is $ 0.00010087, with a +0.00% change in the last 24 hours.
Robotina (ROX) is a unique cryptocurrency platform that integrates Internet of Things, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence to provide an all-inclusive, vertical, high-tech solution. Robotina's aim is to help users save electricity via smart grids, financial profit, and contribute to a more eco-friendly environment. The currency associated with this platform is ROX.
The Robotina Platform and its cryptocurrency, ROX, were developed by a team of experts in the fields of Internet of Things, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence. While the exact identities of the individual team members are not provided, it is claimed they dedicate their expertise to creating a sophisticated and efficient platform for electricity savings and revenue generation through ROX.
ROX functions as the central currency of the Robotina Platform. In this environment, Internet of Things (IoT) elements like things, processes, data, people are connected, and supported by a Power Platform (PP). Leveraging smart rules, AI, and blockchain technology, the platform is run in the cloud and offered as a service. Multiple calculations are conducted per second, each resulting in a minor benefit and a small portion of revenue. While individual benefits might seem minimal, collectively, this aggregated efficiency is the driving force of the platform and the ROX cryptocurrency.
What makes Robotina and ROX stand out is their ambitious goal of revolutionizing the power industry. They do this by integrating leading-edge technology - Internet of Things, blockchain, and artificial intelligence - to enable smart grids and facilitate power savings and revenue generation. It's not just about offering a new cryptocurrency, but about creating an innovative solution for efficient power usage and management and reducing pollution on our planet. All these make Robotina a unique player in the world of cryptocurrencies.
While many cryptocurrencies are reliant solely on blockchain, Robotina integrates numerous technological frameworks to achieve its goals. It combines Internet of Things for connected devices, artificial intelligence for decision making and efficiency, and blockchain technology for transparency, security, and enabling smart contracts.
Robotina currently sits at #3514 in terms of market capitalisation, with a market cap of $ 26.6K.
At present, the circulating supply of ROX is 263.6M.
You can buy Robotina (ROX) from any of the following exchanges: HitBTC, IDEX, CoinExchange. It's always recommended to use well-established exchanges for safety and reliability. Furthermore, remember to consider factors such as liquidity, fees, and the reputation of the exchange before making a purchase.
To ensure the security of your Robotina, store it in a secure wallet that you control, and make sure to keep your private keys private. Use hardware wallets or other secured wallet options and consider using multiple layers of security. Furthermore, only share your public keys and never disclose your private keys as they control the access to your ROX. Always be vigilant about phishing attempts and suspicious links.
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