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Powerledger POWR

Rank #466

$ 0.16133800 -7.54%

Powerledger Price (POWR)

Powerledger to USD Price Chart

Powerledger Statistics

Market Rank #466
Market Cap $ 85.5M
Volume 24h $ 7.4M
Circ. Supply 529.8M
Total Supply 999.5M
Max Supply 1000.0M
Genesis Date 3/6/2017

How much is Power Ledger (POWR) worth today?

Power Ledger (POWR) is currently traded at $ 0.16133800. The value of this cryptocurrency has decreased by -7.54% in the last 24 hours.

What is Power Ledger (POWR)?

Power Ledger is an Australian blockchain-based cryptocurrency and energy trading platform. It enables decentralized selling and buying of renewable energy, giving consumers access to various energy markets worldwide. The platform aims to be fit for diverse energy infrastructures and regulations, with a dual-token ecosystem—POWR and Sparkz, operating on two different blockchain layers.

POWR tokens ensure smooth interaction with the ecosystem for consumers and hosts providing energy, while Smart Bond technology secures them. Users can convert these POWR tokens into Sparkz, which allow for seamless transactions in the energy exchange market.

Who are the founders of Power Ledger?

Power Ledger's team consists of six Board of Directors and over ten full-time team members, including five co-founders who occupy five of the six board positions. Bill Tai, a globally known venture capitalist with an MBA from Harvard, fills the sixth board seat. Tai's diverse experience includes his current role as Chairman of Treasure Data and his place on the Boards of Bitfury and Boxer.

How does Power Ledger work?

Power Ledger operates on two blockchain layers, each hosting different tokens—POWR and Sparkz. POWR tokens secure consumer and host interaction with the ecosystem, leveraging Smart Bond technology. This technology link binds potential energy hosts with the Power Ledger platform, ensuring their continued participation and guaranteeing access to energy trading.

These POWR tokens can then be converted into Sparkz tokens, which can be used smoothly in the platform's energy exchange market.

What sets Power Ledger apart?

Power Ledger's unique selling point is its blockchain-based platform, allowing local communities to sell their excess solar power to neighbours. In doing so, it challenges the monopoly held by large energy companies, facilitating the purchase of carbon-free, sustainable energy at prices lower than those offered by traditional electric firms.

Power Ledger plans to roll out operations across three continents. The project has managed to gather strategic partners to facilitate this plan. The company has also been granted an $8 million AUD grant from the Australian government to further develop its technology and concept, given the high electricity costs in Australia.

How much Power Ledger (POWR) is in circulation today?

As of now, there are 529.8M POWR tokens in circulation, out of a total supply of 999.5M.

Where can you buy Power Ledger (POWR)?

You can buy Power Ledger (POWR) tokens on the following exchanges: Binance, Bitkub, BTC Markets, CoinSpot. Always remember to do your research and use trustworthy platforms when purchasing cryptocurrencies.

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