Pi Network [IOU] Logo
Pi Network [IOU] PI

Rank ?

$ 0.82394800 -2.26%

Pi Network [IOU] Price (PI)

Pi Network [IOU] to USD Price Chart

Pi Network [IOU] Statistics

Market Rank ?
Market Cap ?
Volume 24h $ 12.3M
Circ. Supply ?
Total Supply
Max Supply ?

What Is the Price of Pi Network (PI) Today?

Pi Network (PI) is a cryptocurrency that is currently in the testing phase and does not have a market price. It is not yet listed on any exchanges, nor does it have a live trading value. The project is in the stage of building its infrastructure and distributing coins through a mobile app-based mining process. Therefore, no current market data like price, market cap, or 24-hour trading volume are available for Pi Network.

What Is Pi Network (PI)?

Pi Network (PI) is an emerging cryptocurrency project that aims to keep crypto mining accessible, as the industry gets increasingly specialized and energy-intensive. It positions itself as a user-friendly platform where members can mine coins from their mobile devices, without the need for expensive hardware.

Who Are the Founders of Pi Network?

The Pi Network was started by a group of Stanford graduates, including Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, Dr. Chengdiao Fan, and Vincent McPhillip. These individuals brought together their expertise in technology, anthropology, and business to create a crypto network that's touted to be more inclusive for the average individual.

How Does Pi Network Work?

Pi Network enables users to mine coins on their mobile phones with a simple tap of a button. By using a smartphone app, users can contribute to the network's security and record-keeping (similar to the mining process in other cryptocurrencies) without the complexity and resource intensity normally associated with mining.

What Makes Pi Network Unique?

What sets Pi Network apart is its focus on accessibility. It aims to create a cryptocurrency and smart contracts platform that is secured and operated by everyday people. Their approach to "mining" via smartphones aims to lower the barriers to cryptocurrency mining activities.

How Is Pi Network's Technology Designed?

As the Pi Network is still under development, the exact details of its technology are a bit sparse. The team has released a whitepaper explaining that Pi's consensus algorithm is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), which is designed to be both secure and energy-efficient.

How Many Pi Are There in Circulation?

As of now, there is no precise public information on the number of Pi tokens in circulation. Tokens are being distributed through the app-based mining process, but an official count will be available upon the network's mainnet launch, when its blockchain goes live.

What Is Pi Network's Role in Decentralization?

Pi Network claims that it will prioritize a decentralized approach, making digital currencies and smart contracts available to anyone with a mobile device. This could potentially decentralize the availability and governance of the network once fully operational.

How Will Pi Network's Technology Be Upgraded?

The upgrade process for Pi Network's technology will likely involve improvements and developments communicated through the project's own channels. Since it's still in development, details on governance protocols or upgrade procedures have not been fully disclosed.

How Can Users Engage with Pi Network?

Currently, users can engage with Pi Network by participating in the app-based mining process, which involves verifying transactions and contributing to the Pi community. In the future, engagement may include using Pi tokens for transactions, smart contracts, and accessing dApps within the ecosystem.

Where Can You Learn More About Pi Network?

To learn more about Pi Network, interested individuals can visit their website and read the project's whitepaper. Additionally, staying updated through social media and official announcements from the Pi Network team is recommended.

Pi Network [IOU] Links

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