Layerzero  Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) Logo
Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain)

Rank ?

$ 2,685.50 -2.69%

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) Price ()

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) to USD Price Chart

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) Statistics

Market Rank ?
Market Cap ?
Volume 24h $ 10.0K
Circ. Supply ?
Total Supply 3.1K
Max Supply ?

What is the live price?

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) price today is $2,685.50 on global average. It is down by -2.69% in the last 24 hours with a total volume of $10.0K. The price is being updated in real-time.

What is Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain)?

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) is a decentralized cryptocurrency.

Layerzero Bridged Wrapped Ether (Swellchain) Links

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