IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) Logo

Rank ?

$ 1.18 +0.00%

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) Price (IDLEUSDCSAFE)

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) to USD Price Chart

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) Statistics

Market Rank ?
Market Cap ?
Volume 24h ?
Circ. Supply ?
Total Supply 333.7
Max Supply ?

What is the current price of IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)?

As of the most recent data available, IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) is priced at $ 1.18. The price of a cryptocurrency can be volatile, with changes occurring around the clock.

What Is IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)?

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) is a token designed for investors looking for exposure to USDC yield-generating opportunities with a focus on risk management. It operates within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, offering an innovative approach to earn interest on cryptocurrency holdings.

How does IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) work?

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) works by automating the process of investing in different DeFi lending protocols to maximize the interest without commensurate increase in risk. Holders of the token are essentially participating in a pool that continuously seeks out the best yield strategies while adjusting for risk.

What is the core technology behind IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)?

The core technology behind IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) hinges on smart contracts running on the blockchain. These smart contracts are programmed to automatically move USDC (a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar) across various DeFi platforms to benefit from the best available yields while managing exposure to risk.

How is the IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) Network Secured?

The security of the IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) network relies on the underlying blockchain technology and the smart contracts' robustness. These contracts are subject to rigorous testing and audits to ensure security and minimize any risk of breaches or vulnerabilities.

How much IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) is in circulation?

The circulating supply of IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) is currently at tokens. The total supply may be predetermined by the platform's rules and can often dictate the scarcity and potential value of the token.

What makes IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) unique compared to other yield-generating tokens?

IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)'s uniqueness lies in its focus on risk management while looking for yield-generating opportunities. Whereas most yield tokens focus on maximizing returns, IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) takes a more balanced approach, which is aimed at investors who are more cautious about risk.

How much is the market cap of IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)?

The market capitalization of IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) is currently valued at $ , which places it at #1 in the market cap rankings for cryptocurrencies. This provides an overview of the token's overall market position and economic footprints within the crypto ecosystem.

Where can you buy IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted)?

You can buy IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) tokens on several cryptocurrency exchanges listed as . You should always ensure that the exchange you choose is reputable and that you understand the transaction fees and any other costs associated with buying and storage.

How to keep your IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) safe?

To keep your IdleUSDC (Risk Adjusted) tokens safe, consider using secure wallets with strong encryption and backup features. It's recommended to use hardware wallets for the best security, which store cryptocurrencies offline, or reliable and well-rated software wallets. Always practice good security measures, like keeping your private keys private and employing two-factor authentication where possible.

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