The current trading price of DimSum (DMS) is $ 0.00000001.
DimSum is a digital currency that operates on blockchain technology. Just like many other cryptocurrencies, it is decentralized, meaning it is not controlled by any government or banking authority. Users can perform transactions with DimSum across borders with minimal fees and without the need for intermediaries.
Information on who specifically created DimSum is currently not provided. However, it's commonly known that most cryptocurrencies are created to offer a new way of transacting over the internet, to achieve decentralization, and to enable the global participation in the financial ecosystem.
The unique differentiating features of DimSum as compared to other cryptocurrencies will be based on its technical design, community involvement, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and real-world utility. More specific details would be found on its official website and whitepaper.
The circulating supply of DimSum coins is currently .
In the last 24 hours, the price of DimSum has increased by +0.00%.
You can purchase DimSum (DMS) on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The current list of exchanges where DimSum is listed for buying/selling is .
To securely store your DimSum, you should use a wallet that supports DMS. Always ensure to keep your private keys private and make backups of your wallet to ensure your DimSum is safe.
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