The current price of DEVA is $ 1.97.
DEVA is a form of decentralized cryptocurrency that functions on a blockchain network. The precise technology and functionalities of DEVA are beyond the scope of this description. However, similar to other cryptocurrencies, it operates on a distributed ledger, which is maintained by various nodes on its network.
The current circulating supply of DEVA tokens is .
The market cap of DEVA is $ . This places DEVA at rank #1 relative to other cryptocurrencies.
Over the past 24 hours, the price of DEVA has increased by +0.00%.
The total supply of DEVA is 100.0M. This represents the total number of DEVA tokens that will ever exist.
DEVA can be purchased from the following exchanges: . These are currently the only legitimate platforms where DEVA is available for trading.
The total 24-hour trading volume of DEVA is . This volume represents the total amount of DEVA traded across all platforms within the past 24 hours.
DEVA, like other cryptocurrencies, can be stored in a digital wallet. Select a digital wallet that is compatible with DEVA for a secure way to manage and store your DEVA tokens. Always ensure you keep your private keys in a safe place and never share them with anyone.
Please note that the description provided here may not cover all the functionalities, technologies, or specifics of DEVA. Always perform your own thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency.
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