Market Rank | #1066 |
Market Cap | $ 12.2M |
Volume 24h | $ 0.3M |
Circ. Supply | 10.0B |
Total Supply | 10.0B |
Max Supply | 10.0B |
The current price of Dacxi (DACXI) is $ 0.00122231. Please refer to our live cryptocurrency tracking tool for the most accurate and updated pricing.
Dacxi (DACXI) is a digital currency used for various transactions within the Dacxi ecosystem. This cryptocurrency operates on a blockchain network, which allows for transparency, security, and decentralisation. The coin is used for transactions, payments, and incentives within the Dacxi platform.
Dacxi was created by a team of experienced developers and blockchain enthusiasts. Their motivation was to create a user-friendly cryptocurrency that could be used in the everyday economy, facilitating easier and faster transactions and bridging the gap between traditional financial infrastructures and the digital world.
Dacxi stands out for its focus on simplicity and user-friendliness, aiming to make cryptocurrency accessible to everyone, regardless of technical abilities. It's built to be an ideal introductory currency for those new to the world of digital finances while also offering advanced features for experienced users.
Information on Dacxi mining and network maintenance is not provided in the placeholders. Generally, cryptocurrencies' mining and maintenance process involve the use of complex computer puzzle solving to verify transactions and add them to the blockchain.
The current circulating supply of Dacxi coins is 10.0B. The total supply is 10.0B showing a significant majority of Dacxi coins are already in circulation.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Dacxi has increased by +0.60%. For the most recent and detailed price changes, kindly use our real-time cryptocurrency tracking tool.
You can buy Dacxi (DACXI) safely on the listed CREX24, Bitforex represented on our platform. Always ensure to use trusted exchanges to shield your investments from fraud and hacking.
You can securely store your Dacxi (DACXI) coins in a digital wallet. Ensure you use wallets that are compatible with the Dacxi coin and take necessary security precautions such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication and keeping your wallet keys confidential.
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